Early intervention
Manchester SLT provides an early intervention service for both adults and children. Early intervention is ideal for children with speech and language difficulties. This is because research has shown that children with speech and language difficulties, who receive input at an early stage in their life, are more likely to achieve a higher level in their educational settings.
Early speech and language intervention is also recommended for adults who have acquired speech and language or eating/drinking difficulties. Early intervention can aid recovery time and enables communication strategies to be put in place to aid spontaneous recovery.
The importance of early intervention
It is important to have a collaborative approach to speech and language therapy and ensure all professionals who need to be involved in the process are, and are aware of the individuals communication pathway.
By the age of 2 years, speech and language problems can be detected. Therefore, it is important to address these issues so that strategies can be put in place for the child to enable them to communicate to the best of their ability.
The benefit of early intervention is that children, by the time they are ready for school, may have improved a significant amount and not need further intervention with their speech, language or communication. This means their educational programmes have not been effected. However, if children do require intervention at school age, as they have had early intervention, they can have a therapy plan and structure at school to enable them to deal with the demands of education.
Children with speech and language difficulties, who have early input, have a lower risk of later literacy difficulties and will hopefully not require input in their secondary school settings.
Adults with acquired speech and language difficulties will benefit greatly from early speech and language intervention. We offer a comprehensive friendly and welcoming service and aim to build a speech and language therapy programme with individuals specific goals in mind. This will be important for recovery and will be important to keep clients motivated.
How can I book an initial assessment with a speech and language therapist?
If you would like to book an appointment to see one of Manchester SLT's speech and language therapists, or would like more information or advice, then email: info@manchesterslt.co.uk or call: 0161 883 0111 and one of our dedicated speech and language therapists will be happy to help.
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