We treat all problems affecting; speech, language, communication, eating & drinking.

Alternative augmentative communication (AAC)

At Manchester SLT our team of specialist speech and language therapists offer training and advice on the use and benefits of AAC technology. This training will include how to use the software and how to get the best possible use out of it for a particular individual. Manchester SLT always offer a flexible delivery approach, which will mean that the client will have the ultimate control over whether or not to incorporate the AAC system into their communication. We feel it is important to be open and willing to try these types of intervention as some people will really benefit from such devices.

Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC) is used when individuals have little or no verbal communication. AAC is an aid to communication and can be introduced with pictures, sign language or electronic computer aids. The method will depend upon each individual's level of need and will require training in whichever method is chosen.

What is AAC?

AAC is a method of communication used when an individual has little or no verbal communication. AAC can include technology such as eye gaze computer systems, computer aids, sign language and picture exchange communication systems (PECS).

Who can benefit from AAC?

Individuals who have very little or no verbal communication can benefit from AAC use. Manchester SLT's specialist speech and language therapists will provide full training, as this will be required for client, carer and professional.

What types of AAC systems are there?

There are many different types of AAC communication systems available and will depend upon what type of communication difficulty as to which device an individual uses.

No-tech communication aids

No tech communication aids involve the use of the individual's body as a means of communication. No-tech communication aids include picture exchange communication system (PECS), sign language, gesture and facial expressions as a means of communicating.

Low-tech communication aids

Low-tech communication aids use systems such as writing, alphabet charts and picture symbols as a tool for communicating.

High-tech communication aids

High-tech communication aids involve the use of electronic devices. High-tech communication aids provide a 'voice' for individual's via a computer software programme. High-tech communication aids include electronic symbol and keyboard systems as a means of communication.

What will AAC training involve?

AAC training will involve Manchester SLT's speech and language therapists teaching the individual, parents / carers and other professionals on how to use AAC systems effectively.

All of Manchester SLT's equipment and training packages offer a flexible delivery approach. The content, length of time and location of the training will vary depending on the specific needs and requirements of the individual or group requiring training.

Our sessions are practical as well as interactive, allowing the individual, parents, carers and relevant professionals to gain the most out of their training. Training sessions will be tailored to meet the specific needs and abilities of the individual or group.

How do I arrange an appointment with a speech and language therapist?

To arrange an appointment with one of our speech and language therapists at Manchester SLT, or if you require any more information on AAC devices please contact us by emailing: info@manchesterslt.co.uk or calling: 0161 883 0111.

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