We treat all problems affecting; speech, language, communication, eating & drinking.

Group work

A group speech and language therapy approach is used to treat individuals who would be more comfortable with receiving therapy in a group. It can also be offered in combination with 1:1 speech and language therapy. Size and location of the group will depend upon specific needs and goals of each group/individual.

Types of group therapy we offer

Group therapies we offer include:

  • Stroke rehabilitation groups
  • Social skills groups
  • Stuttering & fluency groups
  • Pre-school communication groups

What are the benefits of group therapy?

There are many benefits to having group therapy. Group therapy allows individuals who have similar difficulties to share their thoughts and feelings and socialise. This can help to raise confidence and self esteem in relation to communication and encourages interaction in a supportive manner. Our group therapy sessions are fun, friendly and aim to put the individual at ease when communicating with others.

Benefits of group speech and language therapy for someone with a speech, language or communication difficulty include:

  • Improved level of confidence and self-esteem.
  • Supportive network to share concerns, worries and goals with others in similar situations.
  • Supportive network for families, parents or carers.
  • An opportunity to practice communication techniques in a supportive environment.
  • Fun, friendly atmosphere with like-minded people.
  • A chance to enjoy communication.

How can I book an initial assessment with a speech and language therapist?

If you would like to book an appointment to see one of Manchester SLT's speech and language therapists, or would like more information or advice, then email: info@manchesterslt.co.uk or call: 0161 883 0111 and one of our dedicated speech and language therapists will be happy to help.

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