One to one therapy sessions
Our one to one speech and language therapy is available for all of Manchester SLT's clients both adult and children. One to one speech and language therapy can benefit individuals experiencing different types of speech, language, communication difficulties. As well as eating, drinking and swallowing problems.
What will one to one speech and language therapy involve?
One to one speech and language therapy will involve meeting with one of Manchester SLT's speech and language therapists working on a one to one basis, and working on aspects of speech, language and communication depending upon the individual's difficulties.
After an initial speech and language therapy assessment, the client, speech and language therapist and parent/guardian if necessary will decide upon the best route to take for speech and language therapy. Manchester SLT's speech and language therapists' are able to work on any aspect of speech, language and communication depending upon the needs of the individual.
What types of one to one speech and language therapy are there?
There are many different forms of one to one speech and language therapy available, and will depend upon the individual concerned and their speech, language and communication difficulty. Some of the areas below are examples of what Manchester SLT�s speech and language therapists may work on:
- Speech
- Expressive language (verbal, non-verbal and written communication)
- Receptive language (understanding of verbal, non-verbal and written communication)
- Pragmatics (social use of language)
- Attention and listening
- Play and interaction
- Voice quality
- Eating, drinking and swallowing
Who will benefit from one to one speech and language therapy at Manchester SLT?
Anyone who has difficulties with their speech, language or communication will benefit from one to one speech and language therapy at Manchester SLT. Individuals who suffer from eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties will also benefit from one to one speech and language therapy. One to one speech and language therapy is tailored to the individual and offers an intensive/collaborative approach to speech and language therapy. Parents or carers can also benefit from the techniques used in one to one therapy.
For more information on the different types of one to one speech and language therapy we offer, see our section on individual speech and language therapy.
How can I book a one to one speech and language therapy session with a speech and language therapist?
If you would like any more information on one to one speech and language therapy sessions or any of our other services, or would like to book an appointment to see one of Manchester SLT's speech and language therapists then please email: or call: 0161 883 0111 and a member of our dedicated team will be ready to help.
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