We treat all problems affecting; speech, language, communication, eating & drinking.

Training for other professionals

At Manchester SLT our speech and language therapists offer a service of training and advice for various professionals who work with individuals with speech, language and communication and eating/drinking difficulties.

Benefits of speech and language training for professionals include:

  • Increase of staff confidence in how to work with individuals with speech and language difficulties.
  • Increase knowledge base for staff on different speech, language and communication difficulties.
  • New and up to date techniques and strategies to use with speech and language difficulties.
  • Supportive environment to share thoughts questions and worries with highly qualified speech and language therapists.
  • Advice on specific communication aids and how to get the best out of them.

What is Training for other professionals?

Training for other professionals is all about how best to help and support an individual with speech, language, communication and eating/drinking difficulties. This training will be adapted to the specific needs of the individual you are working with and adapted appropriately. Training is delivered by one of Manchester SLT's specialist speech and language therapists.

What types of training for other professionals do we provide?

Manchester SLT provide various methods of training for other professionals depending upon the specific area of speech, language or communication difficulty an individual has.

Below is a list of some of them and will include the individual and educational staff member:

  • Speech and language therapy plans and reviews which are tailored to the individual and include curriculum targets and any individual educational plans (IEP) targets.
  • How to create a more effective communication environment.
  • Information and guidance on the best form of communication for the individual.
  • Awareness of various communication methods which may help the individual with their speech, language or communication difficulty.
  • Training for the specific needs of the individual and how to support them in the best way possible.
  • Techniques and interventions in relation to equipment needed to support the individual.
  • Advice on statement reports and how to get the best communication environment in place or the individual.

Our speech and language therapy training packages aim to cover every aspect of how to enhance communication and how to incorporate this into everyday life for an individual. We offer a supportive environment where you can learn and create new communication possibilities for the individual you are working with.

How do I arrange a training session, and an appointment with a speech and language therapist?

To arrange an appointment with one of our specialist speech and language therapists at Manchester SLT, or if you require any more information on our training services please contact us by emailing: info@manchesterslt.co.uk or calling: 0161 883 0111. Do not hesitate to get in touch as we are ready and willing to help.

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